The Special Representation of the president of Azerbaijan, along with the Restoration, Construction, and Management Service of the Berdzor (Lachin) region and the Center for Social Research, organized a scientific and practical conference titled "Great Return" in Berdzor. This conference was dedicated to the Azerbaijani "Great Return" program, through which the Azerbaijani authorities, striving for "peace," send messages to both internal and external audiences about the so-called return to "Western Azerbaijan," which is an open encroachment on the territories of the Republic of Armenia. By repeatedly circulating the concept of "Western Azerbaijan," Azerbaijani propaganda publishes numerous pseudo-scientific books and organizes events to publicize it.
A clear proof of this is the two-volume book "Return to Western Azerbaijan: Our Material and Cultural Heritage in Historical Lands," published in 2022. It falsifies and distorts the history and authenticity of Armenian heritage. At the forum, the President of the "Western Azerbaijan Community," Aziz Alakbarli, referred to the "Great Return" program, noting its importance for resettling Azerbaijanis in their "homeland." Speaking about the return to the so-called "Western Azerbaijan," Afgan Valiyev, director of the Social Research Center of Azerbaijan, stated that the return to "Western Azerbaijan" and "historical lands" is the main trend that started from Lachin (Berdzor).
He drew attention to the historical monuments of Berdzor, highlighting the "vandalism and war crimes committed by Armenia." Valiyev should be reminded that just a month ago, on the initiative of the Azerbaijani authorities, the Holy Ascension Church of Berdzor was razed to the ground.
It should be noted that the reports by Alakbarli, Valiyev, and others represent an open encroachment aimed at presenting the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia as Azerbaijani, thereby exposing the real aspirations of the Azerbaijani regime.