After the 44-day war, the number of suicides among military personnel in the Republic of Azerbaijan has significantly increased, exceeding thirty cases. It should be noted that the majority of those who committed suicide were individuals who had been awarded for their achievements during military operations. This increase in suicides among military personnel is particularly noticeable in the post-war period, in 2021-2022[1]. The Azerbaijani authorities attribute these suicides to existing social problems and mental disorders.
According to data presented by the Azerbaijani side (which needs verification), suicides among military personnel have occurred under various circumstances and conditions, using different methods[2].
Suicides by self-immolation among Azerbaijani military personnel who participated in the 44-day war.
Elvin Jafarov "Mowgli"
Elvin Jafarov, born in 1987 in the village of Galagay in the Sabirabad region, was a 3rd degree disabled veteran of the 44-day war in 2020. He committed suicide due to severe social conditions and the indifference of the authorities[3]. Jafarov was known by the nickname "Mowgli," which he received during military operations while carrying out a mission (allegedly collecting a large number of cameras installed by Armenians from trees in the forests of the Berdzor (Lachin) region[4]).
Nizamaddin Ibadov
Nizamaddin Ibadov, a 33-year-old participant of the 44-day war, was a resident of Samadabad village in the Bilasuvar region. He self-immolated in front of his house. Attempts to save his life were unsuccessful[5]. It should be noted that Ibadov had been awarded the medal "For the liberation of Khojavend (Armenian Martuni)" by the Azerbaijani authorities[6].
Elvin Aliyev
Born in 1992, Aliyev was a resident of Aghstafa city and a participant in the 44-day war. He committed suicide by self-immolation, pouring oil on himself; 70% of his body was burned[7]. He was transferred from Aghstafa to a hospital in Baku, where he died[8].
To be continued.
[1]27sentyabr.az, Azərbaycandamüharibəveteranıintiharlarıvəsosialişintəşkiledilməsininəhəmiyyəti: https://27sentyabr.az/552/ (accessed 26.06.2024):
[2] Ibid
[3] Foto.info.az, Vətən müharibəsi qazisi Elvin Cəfərov intihar etdi: https://foto.info.az/gundem/11067-vtn-muharibsi-qazisi-elvin-cfrov-intihar-etdi.html(accessed 26.06.2024):
[4] Modern.az, Prokurorluq qazinin intiharı ilə bağlı araşdırmalara BAŞLADI:
https://modern.az/hadise/358492/prokurorluq-qazinin-intihari-ile-bali-arasdirmalara-basladi/( accessed 26.06.2024):
[5] Foto.info.az, Daha bir Qazı intihar etdi: https://foto.info.az/gundem/15587-daha-bir-qazi-intihar-etdi.html (accessed 26.06.2024):
[6] Buta.media, Özünü yandıran qazi vəfat etdi – foto: https://buta.media/az/guc-strukturlari/20439/zunu-yandiran-qazi-vefat-etdi-foto/ (Մուտք` 26.06.2024):
[7]BIZIM.MEDIA,Vətən müharibəsinin iştirakçısı Bakıda xəstəxanada öldü - SƏBƏB/FOTO; https://a.bizim.media/az/cemiyyet/198596/veten-muharibesinin-istirakcisi-bakida-xestexanada-oldu-sbbfoto/, (accessed 26.07.2024):
[8]Foto.info.az, Bir neçə gün əvvəl Ağstafada özünü yandıraraq intihar edən qazi vəfat edib: https://foto.info.az/gundem/19299-bir-nec-gun-vvl-agstafada-ozunu-yandiraraq-intihar-edn-qazi-vfat-edib.html (accessed 24.07.2024):